The Harmonica Man. Music keeps him Alive

Here’s a story to inspire your day thanks to WIMP.

It’s a about Andy Mackie, the Harmonica man who at 70 years old is glad to be alive. He’s a Scottish born horse trainer who lives in a camper in NW Washington state even though technically he should not be alive. After his 9th heart surgery Andy’s doctors’ had him on 15 different medicines. The side affects made him miserable so he decided to quit taking all 15 and decide to spend his final days doing something he always wanted to do–teach music! He used the money he would have used on prescriptions to give away 300 harmonicas with lessons!  When he did not die, he bought a few more. 11 years and 13,000 harmonicas later he is still going strong. To keep the older kids interested in music he makes strum sticks and has them teach younger kids to teach the younger ones.  He teaches the kids, if you have a gift you give it away and you get to keep it forever. He believes that teaching music has literally kept him alive, he says ” I can’t explain the joy I feel. I don’t think Bill Gates feels any richer inside than I do.” Share your passion. Make the world a better place.

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