Energized and inspired at the Adventure Travel World Summit in Aveimore Scotland

Scotland Mountain High

Having  returned from the annual  Adventure Travel World Summit in Aveimore Scotland, I am once again energized, inspired and proud to be a part of one of the fastest-growing and most successful travel sectors—Adventure Travel. Adventure travel companies, like fellow members of Trusted Adventures, have placed the bar very high when it comes to “the guest experience.” Since we are launching a NEW bicycle tour in Scotland, I was excited to taste as much of this wonderful country as nine days (and lots of meetings, lectures and networking) would allow. As usual, I packed a full schedule!

Highlights of the nine days included a walk up to Arthur’s seat, a bike tour around Edinburgh with Andy of  Story Bikes, learning the intricacies of Single Malt Scotch at the ” Scotch Malt Whisky Society with my  Trusted Adventure colleagues, paddled with an expert kayaker/ tour operator from Sweden, mountain biked through lavender fields and at every meal was blown away by a different country’s presentation of their unique destination.

On my first afternoon in Edinburgh I rented a bike and did what I do best: EXPLORE. I checked out the city's bike map and sought out the highlighted bike path. I found this lovely path along a canal overflowing with cyclists, walkers and scullers.

Late afternoon shadows at the end of a 2 hours of exploring Edinburg by bicycle

Childrens' art was mounted on a wall along the canal near the center of Edinburg

Andy of Story Bike Tours stops in a park across from the childhood home of Robert Louis Stevenson. The lush park complete with pond with an small island is said to have been the inspiration for Treasure Island

On tour a Story Bike Tour, we around the city and ended at the base of the Edinburgh Castle

The Trusted Adventure leaders gather in Edinburg for our pre-summit meeting which included a hike to Arthur's Seat. Recognized worldwide for uncompromising quality, exceptional guest care and sustainable travel ethics, the Trusted Adventures alliance is a partnership of eight distinguished, award-winning, and independently operated companies; Austin-Lehman Adventures, Wildland Adventures, Western River Expeditions, Myths and Mountains, The Wayfarers, ROW Adventures, Great Alaska International Adventure Vacations, American Safari Cruises and Ciclismo Classico

Our Trusted Adventure guide took us on a behind the scenes walk which included the Edinburgh Cemetary where economist is buried.

On our drive up to Aveimore, we stop at the Birnam Oak, a tree dating back to Medieval times and made famous in Macbeth

On our summit "Day of Adventure" I walked, canoed and Mt biked with a group of over 30 adventure specialists from around the world.

As expected, the Scottish tourist board won points for authenticity in their live performance of the Address to a Haggis by Robert Burns. The haggis is a traditional Scottish dish traditionally served with “neeps and tatties” (turnips and potatoes) and “dram” (a glass of whisky).

How lucky am I?  Not only did I travel to a spectacular country but I was fortunate to have the opportunity to learn the latest trends in travel, explore exciting new destinations via multi-media demonstrations and mingle with adventure travel “movers and shakers” from around the word. Enjoy some favorite moments from Scotland from Flickr:


Over 500 adventure delegates from all over the world took this year’s theme, “Share and Inspire” to heart. Whether it was  Costas Christ, Editor At Large for National Geographic Traveler
sharing his vision of the future of adventure travel or  Dr. Wallace Nichols from the California Academy of Sciences whose life long love of turtles and the sea led him to passionately promote his r/evolution that is helping save the planet and is making a difference— the message rang loud and clear: as leaders in adventure travel interacting with literally millions of travelers annually, we are making a difference in the way people are experiencing the world’s most precious resources.

Brainchilds and passionate founders of the Adventure Travel and Trade Associate raise the "authenticity" bar on Scotland evening and they are looking good in the traditional Scottish attire

On our "Night out in the Park" we had dinner on a historic train. Adventurous conversations flowed with Judy Alpress of The Wayfayers and Judy Carvahal of Enchanted Expeditions (Specialists in Ecuador expeditions)

Adventure travel companies (and their guests and stakeholders) have an important role to play. We represent millions and millions of customers worldwide as a group.  Bicycle tour companies, eco-lodges, adventure operators, outfitters, safari companies, rafting companies, diving companies, walking tours, the list goes on endlessly. But we know instinctively that as a group we do impact millions of travelers and nearly every region on the planet with what we do.

We embrace the vision of the Adventure Travel Trade Association is very clear:  Ciclismo Classico is proud to be a part of a thriving community of responsible, profitable businesses, destinations and media who transform customers and businesses alike into advocates for sustainability and justice worldwide.

Nicky Fitzgerald summed up what she hopes adventure leaders will strive for as they host travelers on their tours into one word. This one word from her South African homeland—Ubuntu is actually an ethical concept.  Ubuntu, the essence of being human, refers to how we rely on others for our sense of self, how we are all interdependent and need to work together for our emotional and material health and wealth.  Embracing Ubuntu reminds of us of our interconnectedness, certainly the most profound way that adventure travel can transform and change each of us.

The experience of “Ubuntu” on our Ciclismo Classico tours may explain why so many of our guests claim to have been transformed by their travel experience.

Interconnecting our guests with the landscape, the people and their surroundings is the Ciclismo Way of Life.

Thank you fellow Adventure Travel Friends for sharing views, ideas and best practices. See you in Mexico, hosts of the 2011 Adventure Travel Summit!

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