Top Cycling Resolutions from Far and Wide

One of my 2011 resolutions is to have more days like this one in Ireland!

What are your bicycling resolutions for 2011? We have collected resolutions from our Facebook Fans from Far and Wide. What they all have in common is that they are as unique and varied as the cyclist’s themselves. The resolutions vary from cyclists that simply want to commute more to those that plan to compete in the world’s most challenging events like RAAM and Paris-Brest-Paris. Our Ciclismo Classico team picked their favorites and there a tie between Lisa Weissman and Lynda Beaulieu both of whom have some very hefty goals. I ride weekly with Lisa and one of my goals for 2011 is to keep up with her.

My bike resolutions: Bike 5K this year: Do lots of weight training, yoga and skiing so as to be a stronger cyclists this spring. Return to Ireland and Sardinia on family bike trips (who wants to come?), Do RAGRBRAI with my family (need to find an operator). Raise 10K for my 21st Pan Mass Challenge cancer fundraiser ride. Details about their resolutions appear at the end of the list. It’s not too late to add yours; let’s grow this list and see all of the possibilities. Add yours to the comment box. Grazie and good luck!

John Dobermiller: ‎3500 miles, with 100 of my rides as commutes to work. A tour of the Vineyard and the 2011 Jingle Ride.

John Ouillette: I would like to do 2 Century rides this year including the GRR.

Marco Kalle Liège-Bastogne-Liège: Amstel Gold race, Ride for the Roses... Just to name a few… ;

Lisa Lowe:  Mine is to buy a bike and actually go on a Ciclismo Classico tour. I do a lot of spinning and am ready for a new challenge. Any suggestions on rode bikes?

Miguel Medina:  To ride my Orbea without training-wheels in 2011… I’m tired of being laughed at when riding!

Kirsy Acosta: Increase my cadence, so I can do a century at least in 530 hrs!!

Ciclismo Back Office Wiz Marc Mastrolia: To ride regardless of weather. Stay warm, Pedal faster!

Estelle Klein: To increase my own self motivation to continue to ride and inspire others who have not yet taken the challenge– especially the special needs kids who I work with

Ciclismo Super Sales Director Christy Mraz: My biking resolution is to put more mileage in and work on relaxing on my descents. Apply all the great tips Sandro gave me on tour.

Dynamo European Operations Magician Davide Marchegiano: My 2011 resolution is to put in more miles (not difficult considering the scarce mileage of 2010) and to ride up some of the Alpine passes in my area, that I sinfully skipped in 2010, like the Col de Joux and the Colle del Nivolet: I miss them!!

Meshaun Cundiff: Get back on my bike after I’m done with Physical Therapy and teach my baby girl how to ride her new Fuji!

Melanie Schrock Perry: I will be attempting to drop 20 pounds and do the Ride Across Indiana (160 miles) for the first time in 2011. Not that difficult for many, but for a 43-year-old who just rode her first century last summer, I’m feeling pretty excited about it!

Whitney Claire McKim: Ride my first metric century at the Wild Goose Chase. Make a better effort to commute to work on the bike!

Jeff Feinsod: Increase my mileage and overall stamina on the bike. Better my time over last year in the American Zofingen Duathlon in May.

Enrico Pizzorni: drop 10 kilos, shave legs, finish the Mongolia Bike Challenge, ride with wife and kids

Yvonne Beecher: Spin Odyssey, Bloomin’ Metric, RAGBRAI, PMC and Hotter ‘N Hell 100 are at the top of my list of goals for the year. Oh, and maybe driving the sag truck for my friends who are doing Paris-Brest-Paris 2011!

Kelly Lynn: Work on increasing my cadence and getting faster on a hill

Lynda Beaulieu: Work on power-to-weight-ratio, and to complete Paris-Brest-Paris 1200k, Grande Randonnee this August

Susan Vance Resolution: To just keep riding, stretching, exercising, eating healthily, and…keep riding! This resolution will help you get through your trials for 2011.

Stephen M. Pratt: To top 5,000 miles and raise more than ,000 for cancer support program

Charlotte Pierce: Get in the habit of taking the bike on errands around town.

Mark Newsome: Qualify for RAAM

Lisa Weissmann: ‎5,000 miles, B2B for first time – and enjoying many, many rides with my cycling friends

Here's Lisa climbing the mountains of France

Lynette Chiang: To continue to ride exactly as I have always done – when I want, where I want, how I want!

Christos Laganos To work hard on my bike and be happy with my efforts and satisfied with my results.

Frank Brooks: Piemonte IV… Take Rob, Parker, and Lexie on my favorite ride (and I hope this is more a resolution than a wish!)

New team member and CC guide Patria Lanfranchi To get back into the commuter groove! To ride longer and slower for more quality miles with friends.

Here Lynda B doing what she loves best

Here is how Lynda B is going to do it! A 14 year resident of Cambridge, 40 year old Lynda Beaulieu plans to ride Paris-Brest-Paris 1200k Grande Randonnee in Paris, France this August.  The event, which takes place every four years, is 1200 kilometers in length, runs from St. Quentin en Yvelines in Southwestern corner of Paris, to Brest, which lies at the Atlantic Ocean.  The return trip back to Paris is on the same route.  The event has three time categories:  80, 85, and 90 hour windows.  To finish PBP is to become a member of an elite few who complete this grueling test of human endurance.

January to Mid-March: weight training for endurance, and riding indoors, some outdoor riding when weather and road conditions permit.  Concentration on harnessing more power and dropping a few pounds to tackle climbing more efficiently.

March through April:  Much more riding for longer periods outdoors only.  Concentration will be on pace, with as much hill-climbing as I can stand, for continued efficiency for climbing on brevets.

April through July:  Brevet season!  Ultra-distance, self-reliant, timed events, that serve as qualifiers for 1000k+ events, this year, qualifiers for Paris-Brest-Paris!  The brevets are lengths of 200k, 300k, 400k and 600k, and will take me to New Boston, NH; Voluntown, CT; Meredith, NH; and Bennington, VT.  The events start and end at Hanscom Airfield, Lexington, MA.

This August , the name of the game is rest.  Rest for the third week of the month, for PBP.  As a result, I will be volunteering  for this year’s Pan Mass Challenge.  I might ride the 87 miles back to Wellesley to keep my legs fresh.  Just nice, easy riding until the event.

August 21st to the 25th:  the 17th Paris-Brest-Paris Grande Randonnee!

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