Thank You Pan Mass Challenge Sponsors!

The Reasons we Ride
Mom (1933-2004) You are on Every Ride!

Thank You PMC sponsors!

Another wonderful summer, my 19th Pan Mass Challenge and feeling so blessed and thankful for your support. My grand total thus far is over ,500 making me a heavy hitter for the second year in a row! My individual thank you letters are going out to each of my sponsors but I also wanted to thank my 60 sponsors collectively to show that it takes a small village multiplied times thousands to make a dent in the fight against cancer.  In honor of my mother, Valia Orazietti Hefferon who died 6 years ago this September, four-year old Avallana, Susan Herman and all of you who have been touched by cancer in any way,  I and the PMC are deeply grateful for your generosity. I recently learned that my dear friend, dedicated PMC rider  and Ciclismo alumni Lily Gaeve was diagnosed with lung cancer.  Due to her cancer treatments she was unable to ride this year or dance her heart out on the grand finale of the PMC, the Provincetown to Boston ferry.  Rather than ride with her on the road, I will see her in between treatments at the Zakim Center for Integrative Therapies.


Here is Avallana, a sweet 4 year old girl who has fought cancer most of her life and who has tragically developed a new tumor. Her parents must, once again go down the path of radiation and surgery for their only daughter. Avallana has inspired my family and I and kept me riding hard and strong. She and so many others are the  one BIG reason why, no matter where I am, will ride the PMC for life!


Please click on this link to the PMC Opening Ceremonies. I encourage you to take the time to watch- the words of several survivors says it all. Also enjoy an excerpt from the PMC blog

“The 31st annual Pan-Massachusetts Challenge was an incredible success for the 5,100 cyclists who rode, the 3,000 volunteers whose work made everything run smoothly, and for the tens of thousands of cancer patients around the globe who will benefit from the millions of dollars raised for research and treatment. On August 7 and 8, cyclists from 34 states and six countries rode one of ten routes ranging from 47 to 190 miles. Their goal was to raise million for cancer research and treatment at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute through its Jimmy Fund and bring the PMC’s 31-year Jimmy Fund contribution to 1 million.  On November 12, the PMC will present its 2010 contribution to Dana-Farber. Fundraising dollars continue to come in and we are optimistic about exceeding the million goal set last winter,” said PMC Founder and Executive Director Billy Starr. “The PMC brings out the best in everyone. When you multiply all that’s good about humanity by 10,000 people, the results can’t help but be positive.

No other single athletic event raises or contributes more money to charity than the PMC. Since 1980, the PMC has raised 0 million for cancer research and care at Dana-Farber through its Jimmy Fund. The PMC gives 100 percent of every rider-raised dollar directly to the Jimmy Fund, a rate of fundraising that is nearly unequaled within the billion athletic fundraising event industry. The PMC generates more than 50 percent of the Jimmy Fund’s annual revenue and is its largest single contributor.”

It is not too late to donate and help me reach my 10K GOAL
simply click here: My gift ID is: LH0006

Thank you! Thank you!  Thank you!

Too many reasons to ride
Pedal Partners Inspire
This cancer survivor’s annual sign says it all.

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